Worship has become a big deal these days.
It’s an industry.
I love it. But I also wonder if the hype has stolen the heart?
Check out this brief video from Brian McLaren. I’m not a huge Brian McLaren fan, but I think he raises some interesting questions here.
What do you think? Is the worship industry killing true worship or helping it? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
I think this is a good topic to discuss as well. However, I think this argument is more of a straw-man than people think. It sounds good to say the “industry” is hindering or hurting the message, but what does that really mean? Certainly there are Jesus breath mints and all of that garbage, but when it comes to music, is it the same? Let’s take you as an example, if you don’t mind, David.
A record company exec hears your music and decides you are the next big thing in “worship” music. He signs you to a 3-record deal with a live DVD. They put your face all over their website and push your songs to the radio stations. Has your music ceased to be “art?” Does it still contain “truth?” Are you now part of the evil “industry?” Your cd’s will be pressed and run along the same assembly line that we saw in the video.
I guess, as a musician, I get defensive when people attack Christian music. Because at the base of their accusations are the people that write & create that music. Sure, it’s easy to attack record companies and things like that, but they are not the ones creating the music (I realize there could be more to that discussion, as well.)(
One more little thing and my rant will be over… since McLaren is the guy in the video…. why is the book industry not looked at the same way? It’s still someone creating something to reach the masses, but we celebrate best-selling authors and wait in full anticipation of their next release.
Great thoughts, Jeff. I think Brian McLaren is a bit idealistic with what he calls “worship”. Sure, art is worship – honest music, painting, film, writing, etc. Anything we do for God can be worship. But how often do we watch a movie and actually worship? Do we intentionally worship through vague art forms? Maybe some do, but I think the so called “worship industry” does some good in pointing specific attention to the Lord and teaching people how to enter into the presence of God. As Jimmy said here, the problem has more to do with our hearts than a specific industry, I think. Just my thoughts 🙂
I don’t think the “Worship Industry” is killing worship, I think idolatry is killing worship. I fully believe that people like Jesus Culture, Hillsong, and well, David Santistevan, are pursuing God and pure worship of Him. I also think that a lot of people tend to worship worship. They love the feeling they get from worship more than actually praising God. We tend to make idols even out of the tools we use to worship God.
Perhaps the so called “Worship Industry” feeds into that, but I certainly do not believe it is the root of the problem. Maybe I’m wrong, those are just my thoughts.
Really well said, Jimmy. I agree. How do you think we can guard ourselves from worshiping worship?
Seek God. I mean true daily devotion to knowing our awesome God. You can’t worship something you know nothing about, and so often we try to do that on Sunday mornings. We need to know God intimately, and marvel at his character. You cannot truly get to know God and still rely on emotion alone. When you seek Him, it just changes the way you view worship. So yeah, I am clinging to the cliche answer of “more personal time with God.”
I used to have a huge problem with the Worship Industry, and clung to only more intimate, small group type worship. Then I found Jesus for real. Now I am excited to worship with other Christians no matter what song, or who wrote it, or what band plays it, because while I may never know their motives, my heart rejoices in my God.
Yes!! Great thoughts on your ideas toward the Worship Industry until your heart got right! (excuse the grammar, it’s Saturday and I’m from Texas) I wish people other than worship leaders would think about these things.
The industry is a reality that cannot be dispensed with anymore I guess. We need to be watchful of the temptation it provides: to worship something other than God – things like song, music, band, worship leader etc.
On another note, have we reduced the substance of worship for the sake of style?
Another question worth pondering?
Good question. I think it may be true. Our attention is so centered on the right songs, the right band, the right mix. I wonder how much of our attention is really focused on the substance?
It’s one of the many reasons I find the idea of going to church quite depressing…