INVEST – The Romantic
• Tell the group about your closest friend. Why do you consider them so close?
• Read Mark 2:1-12. What does this passage have to do with close relationships?
“A life well lived isn’t about who walks the fastest but about who has the most people walking with them.”
• The passage says, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’” Why do you think his sins were forgiven because of the faith of the whole group?
• Writing Exercise: Do you have friends you refuse to leave behind? As you pursue your dreams and goals and ambitions, do you have people in your life who are the kind of friends that, if they were not with you, you could no longer define that endeavor as successful? Write down your answer, naming specific people.
“They had moved to the level of living that they found satisfaction in the healing and wholeness of their friend. His success was their success.”
• Is it easier to ‘do life’ alone? Why or why not?