FOCUS – The Seer
• What stood out to you after reading this chapter?
• Read Matthew 14:22-33. What was Peter’s focus before he sank? What was his distraction?
“We get distracted by our surroundings and circumstances and everything happening around us, and they pull our attention away from where we are supposed to be going. The nemesis of focus is distraction.”
• The “waves” and the “wind” are inevitable throughout our lives. What are you focusing on beyond this?
• What really matters to you? What are you passionate about? Share your thoughts with the group.
• As a child, Jesus was preparing for who He would be at age 33, when he began his public ministry. What has God created you to do?
“When you have focus, you see beyond the moment into the future. You see beauty when others only see tragedy. You see hope when others only see despair. You see possibilities when others only see problems. You see others when others only see themselves. You see eternity when others only see history. You see God in everything. You are a seer.”