It’s inevitable. Sometimes you just don’t feel like leading worship. Or preaching. Or leading your small group. Or going to church. Anything that is worthwhile requires hard work and discipline. And anything that requires hard work and discipline will get old sometimes. Do we just resign ourselves to “trudging through the mud” at times or are there things we can do to get inspired for the ministry at hand?
Here we go…
- Never base your identity on how you perform ministry. Believe me, sometimes you’ll feel like a rockstar and sometimes you’ll want to switch careers, become a cave explorer, and stay there. Spend time with Jesus after ministry whether you felt like you did good or bad and receive his unconditional love for you.
- Get out of the office. I don’t mean you should shirk your responsibilities and not get any work done. But, sometimes it’s inspiring to go for a walk/run outside and experience nature. It can clear your head in a good way.
- Listen to music. As a worship leader, it’s always inspiring for me to listen to music. I love music and it always inspires new ideas for how to lead worship more effectively.
- Get around people. When I’m discouraged in ministry – tired from mobilizing teams, planning services, executing details, etc, getting around people and listening to them refocuses me. Always see the one. Always listen to the one. Don’t get too busy or too important that your ministry ignores people. Seems crazy, but it happens.
- Read books that increase your hunger for God. A few minutes in a great book can go a long way.
- Get in the presence of God. If you perform ministry tasks without time spent in God’s presence, you will dry up quickly. There is nothing better than praying through God’s Word, worshiping, and hearing God’s voice.
- Always center yourself on what matters most. Pray for your people. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move. Pray for the revelation of Jesus to be heavy in your services.
And that’s what it’s all about…
amen. good stuff.