Some of these albums came out in 2008, and others I bought in 2008 and loved. These are in no particular order.
Angels & Airwaves – “I Empire”
Derek Webb & Sandra McCracken – “Ampersand EP”
Fleet Foxes – “Fleet Foxes”
Future of Forestry – “Advent Christmas EP”
Hammock – “Maybe They Will Sing For Us Tomorrow”
Ian Mcintosh – “Awakened”
Johnny Parks Band – “Break the Silence”
Mogwai – “The Hawk is Howling”
The Myriad – “With Arrows, With Poise”
Sigur Ros – “Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust”
What were your favorite albums?
i echo fleet foxes, future of forestry, ian mcintosh, the myriad and sigur ros strongly although all of those are great (haven’t heard hammock, johnny parks, or derek webb).
i would add the following:
anathallo — canopy glow
gabriel wilson — lovely is death (you know that one though)
the listening — transmission 1 ep (you know that one too)
stars — in our bedroom after the war (not sure when that came out)
stars — sad robots
good list bro.
I love gabriel wilson, the listening, and stars as well. I just haven’t had them in rotation as long.
I would also add the debut album “Near” by SANITIZED!
SANITIZED was too good to even mention, bro. A whole new level.