1. Capture Inspired Moments
- songwriting as a ‘by product’ of living your life and worshipping God
- keep your antennae on all the time
- pay attention to: sermons, prayers, journals, scripture, everyday life, radio
- find your ‘well’ of inspiration… write from heart, not just head
2. “worship with it”… “play with it”
- are you getting a sense of where it wants to go?
- “what’s the feeling” of the idea?
- cardinal rule: make sure that ALL the elements of your song work together to enhance the FEELING of the message
- Is there a model in mind?
- stay in the child-like, right brain, “heart”, creative part for as long as possible
- allow the song to be a by-product of worshiping
3. Invite your left brain to the party
- a form should start appearing (verse/chorus/verse, etc.)
- start to edit, use rhyming dictionary, throw out cliche’s
- “crossword it”…fill in the blanks, the missing word
4. Start a simple demo or try with your praise team
5. Be honest about how it feels and rewrite, rewrite, rewrite