I suppose you could say I’m a worship music junkie.
At times, you may even call me a worship songaholic.
Occasionally a worship album will come along with great songs.
Albums also appear with fantastic production.
Or an album will have a really great singer.
It’s rare for an album to have all three. “You Are I Am” by River Valley Church is one of those albums.
Trust me, you’ll want to hear this.
“You Are I Am” is honestly one of the most entertaining worship albums I’ve heard in a long time. The style is progressive, the songs fresh, and the vocals amazing.
I consider myself a critical listener and I haven’t gotten bored with this after repeated listens.
The songs carry powerful expressions of longing for God, and reaching out to Him through pain (check out the digital booklet here). I love the cry in “You Have Conquered”, which I look forward to leading soon:
“Even when the waters rise and the mountains crumble, I will call on the name of the Lord. Even when darkness comes and my world is shaken I will call on the Name that is power. Your name it is power.”
If there’s any complaint I have with this record, it’s the lack of a corporate worship sound. It’s very studio driven and has a “worship artist” feel. Many of these songs require a gifted vocalist to sing.
But that’s also why I love listening to it. I think a lot of live worship records are so live that they wear on the listener after a few listens. Their shelf life is a little longer.
I believe this is an album that will be around for a while. Trust me, it’s takes effort to get sick of this.
I may be a little biased, as a few of my friends are musicians/worship leaders here 🙂 But it’s also climbing the iTunes charts, so the music will speak for itself.
- Jason Thylton
- Arny Sanchez
- Peter Bess
If you didn’t win, I seriously recommend you pick up the album on iTunes. So worth it.
Question: So what is the best worship album you’ve heard recently? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
The guys at River Valley didn’t pay me to review this. I actually only promote albums that I personally enjoy and believe in. If you would like for me to consider promoting your music on this blog, please contact me here.
The best worship album I have heard and bought recently was Phil Wickham’s Response album. I bought the pre-release special on his site!
I have yet to hear that!
Let’s see, the best worship album I’ve heard recently is Elevations Kingdom Come Album. It’s one that’s really fresh. I could take the description above and insert it here for their album. It might be my favorite worship album to listen out of anything I have. I think they write the abolute best bridges and tags out there. I want to sing them forever haha. We’ve done several of their songs as well. And it seems like the one song Give Me Faith is sweeping this side of the country. I had the privelage of being at their Live DVD recording so I’m anxiously awaiting for the release of that. I could go on and on and on. I’m serious, it’s that good. Here, go get it.
I’m not familiar with River Valley Church, but it sounds like I’d love to get to know them, especially if the album is anything like you describe, I will love it and be inspired and challenged!!! Man, I love music!
“Kingdom Come” is a personal fav as well. I’m excited for their live project.
I amdying to hear the new river valley cd. Sounds amazing! The best I’ve heard in a while though is from my church (biased;) Trinity church in cedar hill. Album “To the One”…has something for everyone! Hopefully you review it also…whether its good or not so good we would appreciatethe live;) be blessed
Clinton, do you have link to where I can learn about it?
I second David. I’m a music junkie as well haha. I would love to hear your album too!
Oh goodness… the *best* I have heard lately?? As another junkie, it’s rather hard to pick. But I think I have to go with Tommy Walker’s Pursuit of God. It has such a peculiar and unique power to it…because although it isn’t my favorite *musically* of my recent purchases (compared to, say, Matt Redman’s 10,000 Reasons) – the cumulative power of the lyrics, the passion, and the structure – with the insertion of beautifully spoken Scriptures and prayers from A.W. Tozer’s classic book…. Well, every time I listen to it, I am stirred. Deeply. Tearfully. That CD directs my gaze to Christ with brokenness and awe.
Wow, sounds like this might be a must-have!
I have never heard of this group but I would love to get to know their music. It sounds like a great album. It is great discovering new artists and new music.
“Here on Earth” by Bryan and Katie Torwalt is possibly one of the best worship albums of all time.
Best of all time?! Wow, now that’s saying a lot 🙂
I’ve heard good things about this but haven’t listened yet.
Tim Hughes “Love Shine Through.” I love listening to this one while I work. It’s great feeling God’s presence everywhere even at my desk.
Love that album! We just started doing ‘at your name’. I’d also love to do ‘never stop singing’. Great song.
It was actually you all doing ‘at your name’ that caused me to look up the album on grooveshark. Thanks!
Matt Redman’s “10,000 Reasons” has been God’s timely gift to my family. My daughter just lost a precious friend in a car accident, and the song “Never Once” has reminded us that He is always right there with us.
I think this might be my recent favorite as well. We’re doing ‘never once’ this weekend. My current favorite song.
The David Crowder Band’s Church Music album….sooooo refreshing!
I just listened to some previews off this album on iTunes. It sounds awesome. The track “Be Exalted” made me stop what I was doing and just worship for a moment.
“10,000 Reasons” is my favorite worship album of the year. There are so many songs I want to lead off that record!
“Be Exalted” is my favorite tune, bro. So good. Ryan Williams & team did a crazy good job on this.
I have been listening to a couple of songs of Hillsong’s “God Is Able” over and over again. One is “Unending Love” and the other is “The Lost Are Found”, my personal favorite. I have never heard anything from River Valley. Looking forward to winning !!!!
I would thoroughly recommend New Wine’s Glory to You (2010) album which came out last year which has meaningful words mixed with powerful melodies at different tempos for both praise and meditation/reflection. The tracks “Hear the angels” and We pray” are especially memorable for me. :*)
My favorite recent album is God of Victory by Village Church. It came out relatively early this year, but there are some great great songs on that record. The title track is excellent, and “In My Place” is a fantastic song as well.
I tend to buy worship cd’s and never get around to listening to them because I don’t convert them quick enough. I did this with a cd a year ago “Glory” by Klaus. I have recommended it to everyone I know….and most of them can’t stop talking about it.
I LOVE Gungor’s “Beautiful Things”. My teenagers and I listen to it all the time. My favorite song is “You Have Me” – WOW!
Great album. Are you excited about their new album releasing next week?
Being that i am the lead vocalist underneath our worship leader at the church i work at i am extremly excited too tune into this worship album!! Recently shane and shane’s new album was one that really grasp hold of my spirit while tuning in because the worship and feel of the album seems soo heart felt and geniune!!! Great stuff!! Dave you have recorded your own album before! What kind of advice could you gIve too a singer That doesn’t write his own music that wants too just record an solo acoustic worship album of worship covers!! Where would he get started?
Bro, if I were you, I’d probably learn how to do it myself or ask a friend who knew how (provided you have a friend that knows how). Recording is a lot easier than you think these days. Sure, a lot more magic can happen is a state of the art studio, but for a low budget acoustic project, you’re totally capable of doing it with a tiny bit of gear and a small budget.
I recently purchased “Healer” a compilation CD of songs–I had bought it with the intent of giving to a friend who is going through a difficult time in her journey and ended up keeping it for myself. On the top of the list would be Kari Jobe’s song on it “Healer” which we have done corporately and wow–is that song moving when done corporately. It is a mix of some songs a few years old and newer ones–but put together it brings hope to those dealing with the valley periods.
Best worship album right now.. “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman. LOVE his songwriting..reflects such intimacy and deep worship of God even when life is not quite right… Of course, on the Gospel side, still LOVING Israel Houghton’s, “power of One”
I agree with Amanda, I’m loving Matt Redman’s “10,000 Reasons”. “Holy” is an awesome song! Also, secondary, Aaron Keyes’ “Dwell” is great.
I too loved this album although I was thankful for a studio produced record like this. However, I disagree with you slightly, I believe many if these songs are more than singable in the local church.
I agree that many of them are, but a lot are pretty difficult to sing. Particularly the keys they are in on the album. They allow a gifted vocalist to really shine. I suppose it’s similar to Chris Tomlin tunes which need to be lowered for the majority of worship leaders to sing.
It’s actually really hard to pick the best worship album I’ve heard recently. “10,000 Reasons” comes to mind first because of the amazing depth of thought and simplicity of songwriting that Matt Redman always packs into his work. “Be Lifted High” by Bethel Live, “God is Able” by Hillsong Live, “Kingdom Come” by Elevation Worship, “Ragamuffin Soul” by Carlos Whittaker, and “Response” by Phil Wickham have also been top-notch listens. (Tim Hughes co-wrote “At Your Name” with Phil Wickham, and if I remember right, it’s the first single from “Response”.)
A toss up between Sidewalk Prophets – These Simple Truths and Gateway Worship – The More I Seek You. There are many others but these are the ones I have been listening to lately.
I thought about going thru my iPod to find an answer to this but I can’t stop listening to Aftermath. It doesn’t have a whole lot of corporate song that I can lead in my church but it’s been a constant in my personal worship times. Just got Daniel Bashta’s new album tho and it’s finding a steady place in the mix for sure.
I’ve been listening to Ryan Williams’ worship cd ‘Like a Million Mornings’. Love how he worships and bring other into a spirit of worship.