I’ve recently discussed this with my worship team and have also been reading about it. When it comes to ministry, which is more spiritual and God-honoring – planning or being spontaneous? My answer to this question is ‘yes’. I believe we need a healthy tension of both in order to be effective. We need to plan because the Holy Spirit can inspire our planning, hard work, and preparation. We need to be spontaneous because the Holy Spirit may want to do something that he did not speak in advance. Total spontaneity can be a lazy cover-up for diligent study and preparation. Forsaking spontaneity may lead to dead religious activity. When you love someone, you plan special gifts and activities that will make them happy, but you also speak your heart in the moment without thinking about it.
What does this mean for our ministries?
Pray. Plan what you are going to do. Seek God with fervency in the secret place. Take what you receive and give it away. But don’t just minister off of your list of plans. Hold it loosely. Maintain your heart of submission to the Holy Spirit that says:
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).
and echoing the cry of Moses:
“If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here” (Exodus 33:15).
‘God, we need to hear your voice and have your anointing upon our plans, but enable us to know your voice so that when you speak and call us in a different direction we will listen and obey.’