Ministry has its cycles, doesn’t it?
There are seasons of intense busyness and seasons of quiet. There are times where you’re breaking new ground and other times where you’re working your current systems.
There are days where you crank through your task list and others where you wonder what happened. There are moments of burnout and moments of intense joy.
But through every season of ministry, I know when I’m off base – when I’ve lost my way. Matter of fact, I know when you’ve lost your way too.
It’s when I’ve lost sight of people. Real, living, flesh-and-blood people.
It’s when the programming becomes about impressing, rather than serving your community.
It’s when your songwriting is about making you look good rather than saying what your church needs to say.
It’s when you’re exhausted from a weekend of ministry yet haven’t had a meaningful conversation with a real human.
It’s when I’m more upset by the cracked note than I am the suffering widow in the back row.
The Problem with the Stage
The stage is deceptive- you can influence a crowd, yet keep your distance from real relationships.
Ministry itself can be deceptive. You can be everyone’s hero but drop the ball where it matters most and with whom it matters most.
I remember when I first started leading worship. College didn’t prepare me for the people part of the equation.
I knew how to arrange songs. I knew how to sing. I knew how to play guitar, piano, and drums. I knew how to schedule a team.
But I didn’t know how to love the church, serve the church, lead the church.
I knew how to have fans but I didn’t know how to lead those who didn’t like my music. I didn’t know how to lead for those who were buried under the weight of depression. I didn’t know how to pastor.
I didn’t realize that people weren’t coming to church to experience my creativity. They wanted God. They needed God.
I had passion but lacked compassion.
Don’t Forget
Passion without compassion leads to self centeredness. Ministry becomes about my career rather than the change I lead.
So I want this to be a challenge for you: in all your planning, don’t forget the people. In all your creativity, don’t forget the people. Don’t book your schedule so tight that you can’t have people interruptions. I love how Philippians 2:3 speaks to worship leaders:
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”
Consider your church as more important than yourself. Consider how you can serve them well. Consider how you can craft a worship experience that meets them where they are.
Don’t just lead worship. Teach someone else how to do it.
Don’t just pick popular songs. Pray about what your church needs to declare.
Don’t just execute a flawless weekend. Have messy conversations with people. Pray for them. Encourage them. Follow up with them.
Artists and singer/songwriters: don’t just create your music. Don’t just perform your music. Connect with people.
How do you know if your ministry is missing the point? You lose sight of people: loving them, serving them, hearing them, knowing their story.
Question: How do you stay focused on people in your ministry? Let us know in the comments. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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“Philippians 2:3”
Boom… headshot! (as they say!)
Most excellent commentary David.
I don’t care what kind of church, Music and Worship Ministry, style, region or denomination—what you have said here is a constant must for all of us who
Lead Others In and To Worship.
(not lead worship–Worship shall be led by no man or his music)
Men and women have to be broken to get to this place you picturesque. These lessons are lived out at the end of self promotion and aggrandizement–when we become weary and worn, actually sickened, from promoting ourselves and our trinkets as a substitute for biblical worship.
Thank you for pointing us towards spiritual integrity my friend.
How true! Ministry is about people. Just like Jesus’ ministry. No drums nor guitars. It was just plain words and compassion for the lost.
Nothing wrong with drums or guitars though 🙂 Jesus used real world objects to share the truth as well. But I agree it’s so nice to get back to the basics.
Wouch! So much truth!
Thanks Cindy 🙂
This one hit the nail on the head for me. Very powerful. If we don’t love people and have their needs and concerns in our hearts, then all our music and worship is just noise.
So true, Stacy. So true.
I have definitely been missing it. I just get so focused on the music that I didn’t think the people were important.
The article made me realise that I need to change what I currently doing and connect with the people.
Hi David, it’s so refreshing to read your posts, blogs etc. You have the heart of a true worship leader and worshiper of God, and you’ve been gifted with wonderful insight and talent for bringing people into the powerful presence of God. I’ve been trying to find a church with a worship leader who (like you) understands these things you have written about, and who (like you) understands the importance of connecting with the people, and worship being more of a journey to bring us into His presence. But I just can’t find any. So I wanted to ask you if you know of anyone, or have any recommendations for anyone close to the Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa area of Arizona. Worship is extremely important to me, and I desperately need a church and worship leader who realizes the importance of these thing you have been talking about and teaching. Please let me know if you know or recommend anyone at all in this area, and I will be very grateful. Thanks so much. Sincerely, Sandy
Sandy I discovered a way that worked for me first seek the Lord to direct you to a church and get involved in the music group and then pray for the people in the music team just keep lifting them up that God would work thru them before you know it you will find that you are exactly where God wants you to be.brentnz