It’s one thing to gaze upon the glory of God from a distance.
It’s one thing to lift your eyes, look, and see the greatness of God – to revere, stand in awe, and bow down, amazed.
But is there an aspect of worship that is missing?
This past weekend, I was convicted. My team and I were booked to lead worship and teach for a wonderful worship conference. I guess you could say we were the “pros”.
But as I was leading, singing, and teaching, I felt the Lord ask me, “David, do you love me?”
Of course, my knee jerk reaction was, “Um…why, yes. I am worshiping you, right?”
But then I discovered that it’s entirely possible to worship God but not love Him – to respect Him from a distance, but not allow your heart to be overcome with blazing affections. I can gaze in wide eyed wonder but not obey His commandments.
Yes, I believe there’s an aspect of our worship that is missing. And we desperately need to recover it.
We the People…Who Love Jesus?
You see, people who love Jesus have a tender heart. It’s difficult to remain in a critical state when you are in love.
People who love Jesus want to worship because they can’t wait to get into His presence. Not just to play music or complete a religious checklist.
People who love Jesus do what Jesus says. They stay close to Scripture and are careful to apply it.
People who love Jesus influence those around them to love Him more. They create culture and cultivate an atmosphere around their life.
People who love Jesus are refreshing. They help us lift our eyes off the earthly, temporal stuff that captures our affections way too much. They give us a heart for heaven.
People who love Jesus don’t need much. They are satisfied, whole, and complete in the knowledge of God’s love for them. The truth of their son & daughter status is enough.
Imagine with me, worship leader, if we all lived this way? What would change about our leadership? What would change about our songs? What would change about our lives?
I’d love an honest response from you. Where’s the status of your heart? Do you love Jesus? Have you gotten off track like me?
What will it take to get back? Let’s talk in the comments. I look forward to learning from you! You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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David..Thanks for the article. The Lord has been challenging me about the centrality and love of Jesus for many months now. I’ve been trying to respond by singing and leading more songs about Jesus. Jesus is the central piece of the Bible.. of God’s story. And.. I want to make sure He remains the centre piece of my life.
Well said, Mark. Same here. Even beyond what I sing and lead, I want my heart to be in love with Jesus off the stage. That’s been my prayer.
David, Thank you for awakening our ears to what we need to hear from the Holy Spirit. I’m hearing in my heart the voice of Jesus speaking to His people in the church at Ephesus in Revelation, correcting them about losing their first love, then calling out to them asking, “Are you ears awake?” Yes and amen.
That passage was in my heart as I wrote this 🙂 Thanks for bringing it up!