I like to read business and entrepreneur books.
Studying the practices of successful, wealthy people who’ve built large business empires is fascinating to me.
Successful entrepreneurs set goals.
They don’t allow life to happen to them.
They have a passion, they think big, they make decisions, and work their freakin’ tails off.
For those of us who are in church ministry, we should do the same; however, there’s another question we should be asking.
It’s the question that changes everything.
This distinction makes a massive difference.
The Question That Changes Everything
What is it?
“Holy Spirit, what are you doing?”
You see, life isn’t so much about what you can accomplish. It’s about partnership.
It’s about pouring yourself into what is on God’s heart.
Setting goals is only effective to the degree that God is backing you.
When I was in junior high, I didn’t give much thought to what I wanted to do. My prayer was “God, whatever you want”.
The older I get the more I stray from that desire. I’m more concerned with my happiness and what pleases me than I am the will of God.
What About You?
Before you pursue all the dreams and goals and life plans you want, ask, “Holy Spirit, what are you doing?”
What are you currently doing in the earth?
What is on your heart? And how can I make that happen?
Because what God is doing is eons more important than what you want. Your vision is limited. Your abilities are weak.
But God is limitless, boundless, and mind-blowing.
Want to know your life purpose? Start asking the right question.
Question: What else should separate church ministry from business? Are you doing what is on God’s heart? Join us in the comments!
Photo Credit: Marco Bellucci (Flickr)
Awesome thoughts David, this may change the way I pray in many areas, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the encouraging words… I’m dealing with an issue that I am just not sure how to approach due to my limited vision. Your encouragement was a good reminder that I need to looki beyond myself for the answer. Thanks.
To answer your question… The buisness world’s economy is based on money. The ministry world’s economey is based on souls. That’s a major difference.
Sadly, many people do use the church only to make money. It’s gotta go beyond that to reaching souls. Thanks Daniel.
You ask some really tough questions for any who are honestly willing to evaluate themselves- great job!
Love this line- “Setting goals is only effective to the degree that God is backing you.”
We can do some really “good” things that are not necessarily what God wants of us. David wanted to build a temple for God- that was a good thing, but it was not what God had in mind for him.
We must always ask ourselves, “are we doing a good thing or a God thing?”
Love that question, TC! There’s a lot of “good” things we can do, but it’s the “God” things that will leave the greatest legacy.
When John Wimber (founder of the Vineyard Movement) reached a critical point in ministry God said to him, “You have shown me your ministry, now let me show you Mine.” That’s exactly where I’m at right now. Your post is very timely- thanks!
Wow, Paula. I’m convicted by that. Thanks so much for sharing!