Hello faithful blog reader!
I don’t do posts like this very often but I simply wanted to connect with you, see how you were doing, and let you know about some exciting updates on the blog.
I am so appreciative that you would take the time to read, share, and comment.
This blog continues to grow and is reaching worship leaders around the world. For that, I have you to thank.
You’re amazing.
New Podcast & Posting Schedule
So…this coming Wednesday – March 27 – I am launching a podcast! I’ve been wanting to record a podcast for a couple years now, but for whatever reason, never have.
I suppose part of it was fear of not knowing what to say, whether it would sound good, or if anyone would care. But we all know it’s good to confront and silence those voices, right?
My goal with the podcast is the opportunity to connect with you on a more personal level AND continue to bring you fantastic content that will strengthen your worship leadership. The podcast is called “Beyond Sunday Worship Leader podcast” based on my ebook of the same name.
The podcast will feature practical teaching, resources, and interviews with worship artists and worship pastors from around the world. I simply cannot wait for this to begin. I’m confident that the value you receive will be incredible.
With the new podcast, I will be adjusting my posting schedule.
You can expect to see a blog post on Monday, podcast on Wednesday, and a blog post on Friday. If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you can expect to see that early Sunday morning.
Subscribing Options
My podcast subscription link is not quite ready, but it will be on Wednesday. You’ll be able to subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, Blackberry, Zune, and your smartphone (I personally listen to podcasts on the downcast app).
However, in case you are new here, I wanted to outline some of the other streams of content that I produce. All are unique in their own way.
1. Blog Posts via email – Every time I publish a blog post, you’ll receive it in your email inbox. Click this link and select the “daily” option.
2. Blog Posts via RSS – Every time I publish a blog post, it will show up in your RSS reader of choice – http://feeds.feedburner.com/DavidSantistevan
3. David’s Weekly Worship Leader Newsletter – Honestly, my favorite thing to write. I love the one on one interactions and connections I make. We’re like friends, seriously. Click this link and select the “weekly newsletter” option.
4. Next Level Worship Leading – This is my FREE email course for worship leaders looking to take their ministry to another level. Every week for 20 weeks, I’ll lead you through actionable lessons for your ministry – http://davidsantistevan.com/nlwl
5. “Like” me on Facebook – This is where the party’s at 🙂
6. Follow me on Twitter – This is where I share any and all the cool stuff I’m reading, listening to, or noticing.
I Want to Hear from You
Regarding future podcast episodes, blog posts, and resources, what would you like to see? How can I best serve you? I REALLY appreciate your comments.
Also, you may be a reader who has never commented. I would love to hear from you. Your comment doesn’t have to be long or useful. Matter of fact, you could just tell me what part of the world you’re from. I would love to know!
You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Totally stoked about what you’re doing bro. It looks like we’re stating a podcast at the same time too!
Nate from NC 🙂
Saweet! I need some details!
just e’d ya.
This is great to hear, David. Funny thing…. I just started following Nate ^^^ and his podcast on Soundcloud… you guys are both awesome. I can’t wait to hear from you both.
This is great to hear, David. Funny thing…. I just started following Nate ^^^ and his podcast on Soundcloud… you guys are both awesome. I can’t wait to hear from you both.
Topic Maybe…
How to build / develop worship community (beyond your own church walls)
— challenges in doing this
Nice! Nate is fantastic. Thanks for the topic recommendation.
Hey David, haven’t stopped by in a while but I have been quietly listening in 🙂 Looking forward to the podcast, which I’m also starting as well. It’s going to be fun! As far as topics, I always like your creativity posts.
Thanks Don! What’s your new podcast going to be about? When is it launching?
Yeah, it’s going to be on http://bibledoing.com, a new website that will launch next week with my first podcast. I interviewed Michael Perkins today and have several others lined up. I hope to encourage people to take their next step with God through it. I share you’re excitement for podcasting – it’s going to be a blast talking to so many different people and getting to learn about their stories and all!
Looking forward to the podcast. I have a podcasting question though….I’ve thought about starting my own. Do you know if it’s possible to play clips of songs? For instance, if I do an episode about Jesus Culture or Skillet or something….could I play parts of the songs or does that violate copyright laws?
You just basically need permission from the publisher… I think you’d set up a licensing agreement. David might know too.
Sounds expensive… :-/