Today’s post is short and sweet. Simple and succinct.
Anything can happen when we gather together to worship. People saved, healed, delivered, and called.
Is your team ready for that?
Have them ask these questions:
1. Am I supporting the lead vocal or distracting from it?
2. Am I serving the style of the song?
3. Am I worshiping?
4. Am I aware of the rest of the band?
5. Is my ego in check?
6. Do I show up, prayed up and prepared?
7. Am I sensitive to people’s encounter with God?
8. When I don’t know where the leader is going, do I stop and listen?
9. Do I communicate joy in Christ or boredom?
10. Am I too arrogant to play simple music with all-out passion?
11. Do I stay engaged or “check out” when I’m not playing?
What would you add to the list? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
12. Am I setting a good example of wholehearted worship?
Nice. How do we set an example of wholehearted worship?
Do I have any offense in my heart towards anyone?
Good one. True worship starts here!
Am I God focused or people conscious?
Guess it could mean am I worshipping like you said.
I feel blessed every time I read your posts.
Thanks, Shola. That is a great one, though it is important for worship leaders to be BOTH God focused and people conscious. We’re called to worship and also to lead!
How do my skinny jeans look?
Only if they are lime green! I love my lime green skinny jeans! haha
It’s good to be back here! I’ve been fighting pneumonia for about 2 weeks now! It has been terrible!
You listed some great questions…I already emailed these out to the band members because we have been talking about the same things in our devotions before worship!
Awesome! Welcome back, Brandon!
Got halfway through the list and thought, “It’s not a checklist.” It’s not about me, the experience, or even the song. It is the preparing and planting and breaking apart and binding up of hearts and minds by Him. Which is what the list of questions is getting at….when we come together as a team of individuals.
That made me laugh! I never really got the skinny jeans fad, anyways, it is important to look good!
We got grilled once for playing barefoot on stage, it makes pedals easier, but looks really bad.