Something that I’ve noticed about this generation of young adults is that we are very good at consuming and criticizing. We consume media, teaching, church, and information. And then we spend time venting our opinions on it all.
Contrary to what you think I might say, this can be a good thing. We are looking for what is real. We want honesty on display and we want to join with those who are making a difference.
There is an aspect to our lives that we need to recapture and that is contribution. What are you contributing to society? What difference are you making? Do you merely consume or are you contributing?
Think about it. We don’t follow leaders who only sit in coffee shops. We aren’t fans of artists who release 1 album a decade. When watching football we don’t focus on the bench. Action is inspiring. People didn’t follow King David and sing songs about him because he sat around and had a sweet palace. He defeated Goliath and won people’s respect.
Find a problem and solve it. Don’t just criticize those who are doing something. Step out on the front lines and do it. Get involved in the leadership of your local church and serve. Use your gifts. Until you do, I don’t think your criticism is valid. We listen to those who do something.
What about you? What are you doing? Share with others what God has recently been stirring in your heart.
so good bro!
Thanks dude. Miss ya!
Great post Dave.
Thanks Lauren!