Your worship team experience is a wonderful opportunity for discipleship.
God wants to do more through your team than you probably realize, but it starts with what He wants to do within your team.
Worship Podcast
Your worship team experience is a wonderful opportunity for discipleship.
God wants to do more through your team than you probably realize, but it starts with what He wants to do within your team.
Have you ever thought about what makes a worship service powerful?
Is there a certain form to guarantee a great service every time we lead?
Do you realize you may not be doing what is best for your congregation?
Do you know it’s possible that you’re wasting time on things that don’t matter?
There’s only one thing that your congregation cares about.
I suggest you invest your best energies into knowing it.
I can remember the day I received the highest compliment ever.
To be quite honest, I didn’t know what to say in response.
My flesh was offended.
But my heart was smiling.
What are we aiming for when it comes to leading worship? What is success?
Man, that was a great night of worship!
That was such an awesome song!
The band was totally killer tonight!
You are such a great worship leader!
If I were completely honest, I’m usually satisfied if the band does well, I sound good, and I receive compliments about my talent.
But that is not enough.