I have a story to tell you.
A story that has the potential to change your life today.
Worship Podcast
I say I live for the Kingdom of God.
But really I live for my fame.
I say I feel accepted and loved by God.
But I live to prove my worth to others every day.
I say worship is all about the glory of God.
But I secretly want you to love me.
I say I spend personal time with Jesus every day.
But really I have more “productive” things to do
I tell you to do amazing things on this blog
But I fear failure like it’s my job.
Whether you like it or not, you are famous.
No, there may not be billboards with your face or a sold-out, stadium tour in the works. But if you have influence, you have fame.
The question is, what are you going to do about it?
Did you know that multitasking adversely affects your brain’s learning capacity?
Even if you didn’t wake up with this on your mind, you need to face the facts. Multitasking could be ruining your life and ministry in more ways than one.
I love fame.
If I’m honest, fame influences my actions…every day.
I do a good deed so that my fame will dance around your mind.
I live to be noticed.
Maybe you’ll even share what I’ve done so that the spreading of my fame continues.
Do I have a problem?