Do you need experience to make a difference?
Do you need to be older to truly leave a legacy?
These are the questions I wrestle with as a young leader.
Worship Podcast
Do you need experience to make a difference?
Do you need to be older to truly leave a legacy?
These are the questions I wrestle with as a young leader.
I like to read business and entrepreneur books.
Studying the practices of successful, wealthy people who’ve built large business empires is fascinating to me.
Most people I know hate to read.
And their reading habits prove it. They have none. Most of the time, this is what I hear: “I’m just not a reader”. Well, I just don’t buy that excuse.
Reading is a learned skill.
Have you ever felt a growing discontent with where you are? I’m sure you have.
The majority of people I talk to are dissatisfied with their current reality.
Is it possible that you’re missing out on what God has for you today?
Ministry can be lonely.
Worship leaders look out across congregations who don’t worship.
Pastors preach their heart out to people who don’t pay attention.
Sometimes you disciple people who don’t follow through.
Frustrating. Messy. Should you just quit?