I’m always surprised when I talk to worship leaders who hate to read.
One of the most important things we can do as leaders is to feast our minds upon the glory of God. It’s what fuels the ministry of a worship leader.
These are some of my favorite reads for worship leaders – some theology, some devotional, some leadership.
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Question: What books have made the biggest difference in your ministry? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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Of those you’ve listed I’ve only read Packer and Andy Park. I would add to the list:
What’s so amazing about grace? – Philip Yancey
Simply Christian – Tom Wright
The Weight of Glory – CS Lewis
Celebration of Discipline – Richard Foster
Of these, I’ve only read the Celebration of Discipline. Thanks for the recommendations. What would you say is your favorite?
I think that Philip Yancey is one of the best writers I’ve ever read, in any genre. That he speaks so powerfully about the scandalous economy of grace makes it even more compelling. Definitely a book I recommend every human being gets round to reading.
Love seeing “Next Generation Leader” on your list! Cool to see a book like, how it can be received across multiple ministries and resonant so well with everyone!
As a pastor, Stanley has a lot of influence on me. “Communicating for a Change” shaped the way I teach.
“Crazy Love” by Francis Chan literally changed my perspective of how carried myself everyday as a Christian.
Crazy Love or Forgotten God are both great books for worship leaders. Thanks Chris!
I’d say Bob Sorge’s book, Exploring Worship, is one of them.
Agreed. I’ve gone through two versions of that book.
I just took my worship teams through that book and workbook. But I feel in my spirit that we are at a place where God wants to deal with the stuff. As a matter of fact He told us that in prayer. You know the little stuff people dont consider to be a sin. What book would you recommend they read next?
Bob Sorge books are fantastic for this: A Covenant with My Eyes, Envy, Loyalty. All are great.
Thanks for the list. I actually have 2 of those in my cart on amazon. I guess that means I just need to go and check out! Haha, thx!
Just this summer and into this fall I have read some books that have really helped me get more serious about the way I live out my Christian life. Radical by David Platt, When Godly People Do Ungodly Things by Beth Moore and just finished You Are God’s Plan A by Dwight Robertson. All of these books are filled with insight and challenges that bring us to the place where we desire to truly be Christ to those around us. As lead worshipers, I believe that it all begins with that focus in mind and heart.
spiritual leadership by j oswald sanders is a classic….i love the book….
I like the list. Some that I tend to recommend are Desiring God (Piper), Religious Affections (Jonathan Edwards), and Christ-Centered Worship (Chappell)
I’ve read all those as well. My hunch is that most people will never finish “Religious Affections”, though they should. It really was an eye opening book. Desiring God = Awesome. Christ Centered Worship was a little dry to me, but I still gleaned from it.
“The Pursuit of God” AW Tozer
“Worship Evangelism” Sally Morgenthaler
“The Power in Praising God” Charles Spurgeon
“Practicing the Presence of God” Brother Lawrence
“Desring God” John Piper
These are fantastic books, Jay. I should have included “Desiring God”. That book is essential.
Great list. I’ve read several of those. The Bob Sorge books are especially hard to swallow. Have you read Matt Redman’s new book Mirror Ball?
I haven’t read it. Have you?
I agree with some of the earlier comments about Celebration of Discipline from Foster. Wonderful book. Another one I’d add is The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer. One of the best I’ve ever read.
You know, I started the Cost of Discipleship years ago but never finished it. I guess I should get on that. Recently picked up Eric Metaxes biography on Bonhoeffer. You read it?
I’m always surprised – and slightly repulsed- when I talk to *anyone* who hates to read. Blech! *shudders* 😉
I’d add An Arrow Pointing to Heaven – a devotional biography of Rich Mullins. I’m on my 2nd read of it now – just in time for the anniversary of his death on Monday. It’s….well…just read it. Trust me.
Sounds awesome, Jennifer. I haven’t even heard of it. Time to add it to the collection 🙂
That’s ten more books to add to my collection! I’m really eager to snag “To Know You More” first though!
“Emotionally healthy spirituality” by Peter Scazzero is a fantastic book to read! By the way, have you read “In His Face: A Prophetic Call to Renewed Focus” by Bob Sorge?
Yea, “In His Face” was a great read. I was a huge fan of Bob’s books back in the day. Really changed my life.
Great list! I appreciate your blog and thoughts on worship – I would add Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas – no other book has helped me more than this one. It opens your eyes to the different ways folks worship so you can lead them better – this book also really helps your personal devotional time. I say it’s a must read for every worship leader.
I haven’t read Sacred Pathways; however, Sacred Marriage is one of my favorite books of all time. He’s has a great perspective. Thanks Lee!
I use to be one of those worship leaders who didn’t like reading at all. But after I encountered your Blog, there was no way I would continue that same route.I just want to let you know I got the book Worship Matters by Bob one week ago and it has become my worship leading “bible”(I do own an original Bible though)
I love all the scripture in it! God bless all you good writing skills people.
“Worship As It Is In Heaven” should definitely at least be in the top 3. By Chuck Pierce. Incredible book
Haven’t read that one. Thanks man! I’ll check it out.
David, “Who Stole” as in “Who Stole my Church” — it’s on your list!?
Pure Praise:
Haha! Oh yes, I guess I didn’t connect the two 🙂
I tried to read Harold Bests’ book, it was tough to digest. Very academic, I know I need to FORCE myself through it.
I think Dwayne Moore’s “Pure Praise” is a great read and good team devotion.
Worship Matters and Who Stole are definitely winners for me.
Fred, I haven’t read “Pure Praise” or “Who Stole”. Thanks for the recommendations!
No book influences my worship more than “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem. Also have to cast a vote for Chappell “Christ-Centered Worship” and the Kauflin
Great books, Andy. You’re a hefty reader!
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“Finally comes the poet” by Walter brueggeman is one of the best books I’ve read about how we should express spiritual truths. It is written with preaching in mind, but I believe every worship leader would benefit from reading it.
Here are 2 more from recent releases:
1. The SongCycle: How to Simplify Worship Planning and Re-Engage Your Church by Jon Nicol (http://goo.gl/tvK8zj)
2. The Worship Kenbook by Gangai Victor (http://goo.gl/JJhki1)
I’m surprised that LaMar Boschman’s “The Rebirth Of Music” is not on the list. It’s a great read!!!
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Am so so impressed and galvanized just by the titles of the books. I’ve got 10, but I must read 12. Glory be to God for the writers. It’s marvelous!
hallo there my name is grace I live in South Africa how do I get hold of those great books pls help
I would get them from Amazon for Kindle!
please how do i get the books?