You want to know what the best worship teams do? They worship.
Too often worship teams have a zealous leader, chasing God with all their heart and a band…a band that seems bored out of their minds at worst. At best, they like to play music.
But I believe God is after more in our churches, teams, and leaders. God is raising up people to shepherd the next generation. God is raising up a worshiping army in local churches – teams that are more interested in a glorious God than just great tone.
Their hearts are transfixed on the Master. They will never be the same again.
Before you start shouting amen, there’s something you need to be aware of:
If there’s one thing the enemy wants to discourage in your life, it’s worship.
If there’s one thing the enemy wants to take out in your team, it’s worship.
If there’s one thing the enemy wants to distract your church from, it’s true worship.
Why? Because worshipers cannot be stopped. True worshipers are the most resilient people.