After a while, it becomes easy to not worship.
Easy to go through the motions.
Easy to do the “church thing” and live for your day off.
Easy to stand in the back, criticize, observe, and chill out.
Worship Podcast
After a while, it becomes easy to not worship.
Easy to go through the motions.
Easy to do the “church thing” and live for your day off.
Easy to stand in the back, criticize, observe, and chill out.
Remember the first time you experienced corporate worship? Weird, wasn’t it?
The raising of hands. The waving of flags.
The random clapping of hands.
The off-key shouts of poor singers.
Maybe even the retired hula dancer in the aisle next to you.
With all this talk about chasing your dreams and doing something amazing, you might be fed up.
You’re tired of hearing about it. Stop talking about how to live and just live, right?
What if you don’t know what to do? What if you can’t decide?
So many options. So little time.
We worship leaders are well acquainted with hell.
Not because we are depressed, indie rock wannabes. Or because we watch horror flicks to drown out our pain.
We are well acquainted with hell because we have rehearsals. Bad ones.
Today’s post is short and sweet. Simple and succinct.
Anything can happen when we gather together to worship. People saved, healed, delivered, and called.
Is your team ready for that?
Have them ask these questions: