It’s the plight of all songwriters.
We want our songs to be known, sung, and loved by the world. But rarely do they move past our own ears or the ears of our dogs.
Worship Podcast
It’s the plight of all songwriters.
We want our songs to be known, sung, and loved by the world. But rarely do they move past our own ears or the ears of our dogs.
Finding the best corporate worship songs can be tricky.
I’m sure you’ve been there.
I know what it’s like. While this isn’t a comprehensive list of my favorite songs, these are songs I can’t wait to lead at my church.
Have you ever wondered if leading worship really matters?
Do you feel you are your local church’s resident entertainer – that you’re simply warming people up for the message?
When was the last time you sat alone in a room and said nothing?
When was the last time you were surrounded by complete silence?
I know, it makes me nervous just thinking about it. Life is loud, and it may be hindering our ability to experience God.
Everybody wants to be great. But not everyone gets there.
What separates the exceptional musician from the crowds of mediocre?