Before you read this post, I want you to say something out loud. Ready?
Say: “I am an artist.”
If you don’t believe yourself, say it until you do. Because it’s true. And today, I want to invite you to join with other artists and make something.
Worship Podcast
Before you read this post, I want you to say something out loud. Ready?
Say: “I am an artist.”
If you don’t believe yourself, say it until you do. Because it’s true. And today, I want to invite you to join with other artists and make something.
Have you ever felt that your songs weren’t good enough? Do you find it nearly impossible to find time to write, let alone finish songs?
You’re not alone.
Isn’t ministry wonderful…sometimes?
Ministry is that beautiful work that often thrills us, other times exhausts us, and sometimes drives us crazy.
It’s anything but easy.
I recently spoke at the Engage Worship Conference in Sussex, NB, Canada. This topic was one of my main sessions. I believe it to be an essential conversation for anyone in ministry.
In framing today’s tension, I’m asking a few question:
If there was ever a challenge in the life of a worship leader, it’s balancing these three responsibilities at once.
Not only do we prepare and lead our band, we lead a congregation in worship. But we also personally connect with Jesus.
Is it possible to do this well? Or do some of these need to suffer?
It’s one of my favorite days: music sharing day.
Here are 11 instrumental albums I am currently using to “get things done” (one of them is free if you look hard enough).
At the end of the post, I want to hear yours. Enjoy!