Does week to week ministry ever wear on you? Do you ever wish Sunday didn’t come so fast? What is the answer when you are tired and feel you just need a break? In all honesty, there are a couple observations we must make:
- Ministry cannot be maintained simply on our energy level. It is the Holy Spirit’s work and we are His instruments. We cannot stop what God has called us to do because we are tired.
- There is more to God’s mission strategy than just you…or me. Humbly accept the truth that God is moving across the world, working great wonders for His glory.
So what do we do to stay fresh?
- Develop a disciplined habit of daily time in the presence of God. Worship Him for who he is and not simply for programming direction. Grow in your love for Jesus. I cannot stress the importance of this.
- Listen to other worship leaders and glean from their experience.
- Study the Word of God. When I am worn out, the Word of God gives me strength like nothing else.
- Spend time with people. Ministry can keep us at our computers (like now!) and in the office for long periods of time. Quality time investing in people gives vision to worship ministry. Worship leading is more about people than tight music and good songs – it is about serving the body of Christ with what leads them to Jesus.
Any other thoughts?