I referenced this moment in my message at APEX last night. I know it’s a bit long, but it is worth your time. Challenging, powerful, life-changing.
Worship Podcast
I referenced this moment in my message at APEX last night. I know it’s a bit long, but it is worth your time. Challenging, powerful, life-changing.
Hey folks. Just wanted to let you know about something awesome coming your way next week. My good friend, Ben Davis (aka @iambendavis), is hosting a leadership blog gold mine (not sure what that means). All week, gifted leaders from around the country will share on different topics pertaining to life and leadership. I had the privilege of writing, though I am probably the least awesome.
I would share my post with you now on The Invisible Leader, but I think I’ll just whet your appetite for next week. Stay close to Ben’s blog, my friends. It’s gonna be good.
I have a challenging set of questions for you today. What makes ‘time with Jesus’ worth it for you?
I’m not saying any of these things are bad. But I find myself (all too often) spending time with Jesus with my blog open and Tweetdeck staring me down. It’s almost like if I don’t get some important piece of revelation than my ‘time with Jesus’ was a waste.
I want to return to the beauty of loving Jesus and spending time with Jesus for WHO He is. The revelation He gives me isn’t a means to impress others or advance my career, but to stay rooted in holiness and exclusive passion for Him.
Time with Jesus is worth it every time because I…am…with…Jesus.
This song brings me to tears every time I hear it. Probably because I’m so undeserving. Oh the beauty of the grace of God.
“Our shame was deeper than the sea. Your grace is deeper still.”
Don’t be too consumed with petty things today. Let the miracle of your salvation cause you to stand in awe of God.
Do you struggle with pride? I already know the answer to that question. But your response to that question will determine how prideful you are.
As ministers, we are in the public eye. When you’re in the public eye, it’s easy to think highly of yourself, especially when compliments are flowing.
Consider this verse:
“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you” (James 4:10).
As God increases our public platforms, I believe we need to be continually humbling ourselves before Him. The greater the platform, the greater humility is needed to handle the praise of man.
How do you humble yourself? Ask (what I like the call) the WWLT questions (bracelet, anyone?):
O God, make me a humble servant of your glory, honor, and fame.