[As I mentioned, the closing few days of 2011 will be reposts of the top posts of 2011. Regularly scheduled posting will resume on Monday, January 2. And, yes, you won’t want to miss it!]
In addition to reading your favorite blog in the blogosphere :), there are a few others that are seriously worth your time.
Part of what makes a leader a great one is relentless learning. A great leader is never satisfied, never stagnant, but always pressing onto new things.
One way I do that is through reading these blogs.
Read, subscribe, share, and comment:
Elevation Worship is kickin’. I’m always inspired by their musical creativity and insane zeal for God. They write incredible songs, are great people, and lead an amazing worship team. If you haven’t checked out their new album “For the Honor“, rescue yourself and make the purchase
One of the best worship albums of 2010. Within their blog they share what God is doing within their church, creative ideas, musical updates, and other great stuff.
2. Worship Matters – Bob Kauflin
I met Bob Kauflin at a songwriter’s retreat in Mount Hermon, California. I was impressed with how personable and humble he was – he actually knew my blog, talked with me, and gave me a book. Matter of fact he was giving everybody books.
Before that, though, I had been reading his blog and just finished devouring his landmark book “Worship Matters”. I consider it one of the best modern books on worship. Bob has been involved with worship ministry for many years and carries a deep passion for the glory of God. Be sure to check out his music ministry, Sovereign Grace Music.
Vicky is another great worship leader whose songs I knew before I knew she wrote them. Back when I was a super young, aspiring worship leader, I was inspired by her songs on Vineyard albums. Vicky really writes a great blog, offering practical advice for worship leaders. You won’t be disappointed.
Chris is a new friend I’ve gotten to know this past year.. The name of his blog reveals where he’s from and he is doing some great stuff in the Northern Hemisphere. Chris’s blogs are super practical, helpful, and “cutting edge” with what is up and coming in worship and church life. Enjoy.
While not always awash with worship leading insights, Carlos’ blog is just plain fun. He’s an incredible visionary, worship leader, and social media guru. If you’re interested in building an online community, read and follow Carlos. I’m always learning new things through his writing.
This is the collective blog of worship leaders Tim Hughes, Ben Cantelon, & Al Gordon, fantastic worship leaders from across the pond. As you probably already know, these guys are world class songwriters and their blog is equally as helpful. Practical, deeply wise, and fun.
A few weeks ago, I noticed this site had referenced one of my posts. As I began to click through, I realized this was a fantastic site for worship leaders. Up to date, focused on community and the local church, and tons of great ideas.
The blog of Bobby & Kristen Gilles from Sojourn Music. I’ve found this to be a great resource for songwriting and deep, Biblical insight into worship. What I love about these guys is that they blog consistently and you can tell they are committed to spreading influence and making a difference. Check it out!
Leaders, Readers, Worship Leaders, & Bloggers: what other blogs MUST I be reading? On your mark, get set, comment:
http://www.journeyofworship.com/ by Chris Grabill. I’ve been following his blog for a few months. It’s definitely worth checking out.
Thanks, Jon. Christ does have a great blog and is a frequent commenter here. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing David, these are great! Was going to add a few but now that I go looking at all the ones I’m subscribed to I’m not sure which post regularly and actually apply to worship leading vs stage design, creative arts, church media, and other things related. I would definitely recommend your blog to others, love your posts!