Worship ministry is mostly about getting out of our own way. If we can minimize distraction, be more authentic, build trust, and love Jesus, we’ll create an environment where people participate rather than spectate.
A skill set so desperately needed is leading spontaneous moments.
But let’s set the record straight. By spontaneous I don’t mean unplanned, unprepared, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants worship. For spontaneity to work well, you need a plan for it.
I remember the first time I tried to sing a spontaneous song in a service. I’m fairly certain that angels fled at the sound. Even Jesus turned to Gabriel and was like, “What was that?!?” I spent a grand total of zero minutes preparing for that moment. And it was obvious.
Effective spontaneous leadership isn’t actually spontaneous at all. It’s the result of hard work, practice, and planning.