What makes the gathered church different?
Unique? What are our distinctives? From the outside, many of our modern churches don’t look too different than the nightclub down the street. What sets us apart?
It can’t be our musical quality. The world has plenty of that.
It can’t be our production. The world has plenty of that.
It can’t be how much fun we have. The world has more than enough of that.
That’s not to say quality, production, and fun is wrong or unimportant. But it’s not enough to justify church. If all we’re doing is entertaining people with amazing music, flashy production, and good times, we’re not fulfilling our mission as the church. That’s the hard truth.
The argument has been made that the church should be the most creative place on the planet. On one hand, I agree with this. We as Christians should have a massive imagination because of the God we serve. He is beyond glorious. But at the same time it’s not enough.
Is there a way to combine crazy creativity and yet still maintain who we are as the gathered church? An important question to answer.