What is your current status as a worshiper? Notice I didn’t say worship leader. Apart from the rehearsals, songs, strategies, music, & services, where is your passion level?
Your effectiveness as a worship leader will rise and fall on your white hot desire for Jesus. Otherwise you will burn out. Get bored. Want a new job. Give up.
Know what you need to do? Pursue unsatisfied satisfaction.
UNSATISFIED meaning you are not stagnant. You want to know God more each day. You’re not satisfied with your current knowledge of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, Evangelism, Passion. You’ve made a choice that you WILL NOT COAST through this life in a lukewarm state. You want God.
SATISFIED meaning God is enough. You aren’t looking away from the cross for a deeper meaning. The upward call of God in Christ Jesus is your goal. His love is enough for your self esteem. His grace is enough for your sin. His faithfulness is enough for your pain. He is everything you need. Period.
Question: how are you doing managing this tension? What could you do to pursue UNSATISFIED SATISFACTION today?