Have you ever felt that your voice was meaningless?
Maybe not your voice, literally.
But your blog, your music, your art?

It’s common to wake up and see someone doing something better.
Someone is hustling more.
Someone knows more than you do.
Someone is a better writer than you are.
It can be overwhelming. You can tell yourself, “What do I have to say that is not already being said?”
Nobody can say it like you
You have something to say and nobody can say it like you. We need your voice in this crowded world.
We don’t need you to copy the insight of Seth Godin, mimic the worship songs of Paul Baloche, or echo the passion of Steven Furtick.
We need for you to stand up, wake up and share what God has given you. Stop comparing. Stop making excuses. Stop thinking so much.
Just do it.
Speak. Now.
Nobody sees it like you
You have a perspective on this world that is unique. Your life experiences have led you here. You’ve walked through the fire and haven’t been burned.
So put your heart on display. Let us feel it.
Lives are waiting to be changed through you.
Speak. Now. We are waiting to hear.
Question: What has been your favorite blog post, song, or piece of art you’ve created in the last month? If possible, leave a link in the comments. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
For further reading, check out Jeff Goins’ post “10 Steps To Finding Your Writing Voice” and Randy Elrod’s post “Get Rid Of Your Self-Confidence Problems Once And For All”
My favorite blog post in the last month was one that I wrote about writing with Simplicity — http://thisismethinking.com/write-with-simplicity/
Love this post
AWESOME post Darrell
“You have a perspective on this world that is unique. Your life experiences have led you here. You’ve walked through the fire and haven’t been burned.” – Love That!
I feel this way to about my blog and Music sometimes…
My wife is always telling me that people tell her that they love my blog so that keeps me going…
and well, no one as kicked me out of their house or church for sucking at leading worship so I guess that’s a good thing…lol
Thanks for the encouragement david…
Arny, feel free to leave a link to one of your blog posts. We want to check it out!
One of my most honest posts about myself…
Band Page at blog…
Great post! This blog speaks to the essence of what so many of us need to hear. We must stop comparing ourselves to others and just be who we are. If we truly trust God with our lives, we can be assured that he will guide our efforts.
My favorite creation of the past month was a blog post entitled “A Tribute to My Mother” that I wrote for Mother’s Day. It is so strong to me because it is so personal and I was able to honor my mother through the post. The link is http://bit.ly/laHDHe
David, you have a great voice – keep it coming!
Thanks Jason. I always appreciate your comments.
“What do I have to say that is not already being said?”
I think that about myself and my writing all the time. This was really encouraging. Thanks, bro.
How’s the songwriting bro?
Not too shabby. I need to force myself to write more often, even it’s bad (I think someone wise wrote a blog post on that recently :)). I just finished one that I’m really diggin. I’ll send you the lyrics.
I agree! God has given each of us a gift/voice to serve all the others!
Bro, feel free to share a link to a post of yours. They’re always good!
Well, for about a week, I have been doing a “Defining Character” series. You can check that out here: http://bigb94.wordpress.com/category/christian-life/character-series/
My favorite post to write was “When There’s Only 1 Banana Left”. It was a post on favoritism. You can check that one out here: http://wp.me/p1079K-75
Love that picture!
As soon as I took it, I knew it was gonna be posted on the blog! 😆
ah, something i definitely needed to hear.
i’m in the process of attempting to write worship songs but haven’t gotten much anywhere. a blog that i recently wrote though that was one of my favorite’s is in the link below.
thanks for your blogs! they are great!
Lindsay, that is really great post. I feel challenged to take my ear plugs out 🙂 You’re a great writer. Keep it up!
Wow wee! I was just having a conversation about this very subject with a fellow blogger yesterday. As small and insignificant as well can feel sometimes, God’s wisdom states that any voice that speaks for Him is important.
Thanks again for another great post!
No problem Angie! Feel free to link to one of your posts if you’d like.
Okay, thanks! My blog’s name is “From the Rooftops”. Here’s one I did as a guest blog recently about imperfect fathers…http://fromrooftops.blogspot.com/2011/05/fathers.html
Creatives need to create. Period. I started blogging six years ago, but deleted after a while. I thought, “who would listen or read from a creative, worship leader type?” I am so glad I relaunched my blog. I have enjoyed the conversation every since, David! Thanks for including me in yours.
My favorite post is a video on this blog post from a trip to Africa. I have not made a short film like this before. All done on an iPhone, btw. 😉
How long did you go before you deleted it? What brought on the relaunch? Very interesting…
6 months! then I restarted. I had several posts even that are forever gone. The relaunch came from something inside telling me I that I did have a voice and that in speaking others would, too. So, your post here hits me as especially appropriate.
So awesome. We’re glad you kept it going, Rich. I wish there was a way to recover those posts!
Rich, beautiful report of faith & love pouring out of Ethiopia. Thank you brother.
Thanks for the encouraging words, David. You’re right, we ought not to be discouraged whether we have 100, 1,000, or 10 reading our blogs.
My favorite post of mine this month was one I wrote about my age bracket, the twenty-somethings. I’d love to here your comment.
Great stuff, Mark.
David, beautiful post, I had to fbshare. God has used my last two poems [posts] to bring out His plans, encouragement, and vision for me, in this moment.
What is Required of Me? http://poetry.rlcassidy.com/?p=135 talks and weeps through waiting for God to act finalizing in that the entirety of the waiting was spent in God presence.
The Journey http://poetry.rlcassidy.com/?p=139 is a reflection of God’s patience and forgiveness in light of my humanity, resulting in the transformation of my desires to honor My Dad, My Brother, My King.
I’m grateful for your willingness to listen, you have inspired me to follow the same path.
Thanks for sharing, Richard. Love your writing.
Just started blogging last week. I figured it was the best way to communicate my heart to my team.
I appreciate your leadership,blog and thoughts.
Thanks for the encouragement, Mark, and thanks for commenting! Welcome to the blogging world 🙂 Look forward to connecting.
Always well said, David.
This post is a little older than 1 month but none-the-less it is one of my favorites (2 parts).
Thanks Jason. Really stirred by the challenge in your post.
Inspiring post DS, I needed to read this. I look forward to checking out the other links in the comments. Great idea to do this.
Here’s 2 recent posts that represent my “voice”, such as it is:
Hey David! Great post.
I found your blog via Jeff Goins.
My favorite post of mine from the last month was actually in regards to the same idea as the one you share in this post!
Thanks for allowing me to share!
Thanks for stopping by Edward! I’m now a subscriber to the brilliant Edward Paz blog 🙂
He’s a gem. Mark my words: People will be talking about Edward Paz for years to come.
Man I gotta agree, just checked out his blog and it’s brilliant.
Looking forward to joining that conversation.
You are too kind Jeff. Too kind.
Glad we could connect David. Hopefully we can encourage each other through our blogs in the coming months!
Most definitely, Edward. Looking forward to it!