If you lead worship in a local church, there’s a good chance it is multi generational. Unless you’ve specifically planted a young adult church or are leading a youth movement, you have middle schoolers to great grandparents in your church, gathering to sing together.
Sound like fun?
It’s actually one of the most challenging aspects of local church, worship ministry. Worship wars. Too many preferences. If our goal is to make everyone happy, it’s an impossible task.
It takes big vision. It takes collaboration. It takes have an expansive view of the Kingdom that is more than sounding cool and singing popular songs.
9 Best Practices
Are you up for the challenge? Here are 9 best practices for leading multi-generational worship:
1.Become an Arranger – You can get away with modern, aggressive songs as long as it’s positioned well in a set. Oftentimes a worship set contains three songs that are all driving, rhythmic, and loud. You’re not helping yourself with that. Arrange the set to contain ups and downs, high energy and space. Grow in your skill as an architect the whole worship experience.
2. Focus on the Voice of the People – Don’t be so concerned with how you and your band sound. Place emphasis on the corporate singing of God’s people. No matter the set, I always (every-single-time) utilize voice-only moments for people to sing. Even using drums-only choruses to encourage the church to rise up is so helpful. How you lead is way more important than what you lead.
3. Learn to Love Old & New – The church is old and current. We stand on the shoulders of saints who have gone before. Our worship liturgy should include new and old expressions. If you don’t love that, learn to love it. It’s important.
4. Connect Off the Stage – Rather than just hanging out with your band backstage, go start conversations with the old ladies in the back row. Look them in the eye. Pray with them. Also hang around the youth. Don’t be shy. Force yourself into situations where you have to talk and interact with all generations. Make a connection off the stage.
5. Get Creative – Creativity and relevancy doesn’t have to be edgy and loud. If you’re wanting to shake up your sound, Hillsong Young & Free isn’t the only option. Do a whole set with cello and drum pads. Try three acoustic guitars and no electric. Use more piano. Sing without your acoustic guitar. Bring a vibraphone on stage with an electric guitar playing swells. No approach is sacred. Get creative.
6. Love Jesus – Nothing connects the generations like a love for Jesus. This can’t be overstated. They may not love your music but they will follow your pursuit of God, provided it is genuine and real. Make that the center of all that you do – a wild pursuit of His presence.
7. Cast a Big Vision – Multigenerational worship isn’t simply a battle between soft & loud music, or new and old songs. It’s a leadership problem. It takes a leader who believes in the multigenerational church, deep in their bones. Have conversations with people. Cast vision from the platform. Paint a compelling picture for the church you’d like to see and be ready to fight for it.
8. Collaborate With Your Lead Pastor – It’s possible that no one knows multigenerational worship like your lead pastor. They may not be a musician or have experience leading worship, but they know their people. Be proactive about starting conversations about how you can serve the congregation better in worship.
9. Look At the Big Picture – Most worship leaders think in terms of songs – one fast song, two slow songs. Rather than just thinking in terms of the songs you’re going to sing, consider the wider story of the Gospel. Think in terms of an immersive experience in the presence of God. This includes songs, but can also include Scripture, exhortation, spoken words, videos, and other creative elements.
I’d love for you to add to this list. What is missing? How have you developed a culture of unity among generations?
Everyone knows you have to have 10.
#10- Take Cultural Relevance to a new level. The world has so much to offer us if we but listen.
Until now we have just copied the music of Slipknot and Blink 182, etc. by adding our own creative praise and worship words. This is fine for our older folks but we must expand our influence into the now.
We must invest into our young people. Black Honey and Neon Waltz for example. Their texts are close enough that we have to do very little to make them worthy of the finest immersion into the presence of God. (this assumes that we do 1-9 and keep our performances at the top)
It will possibly mean new investment into pedal board gear but whats that when it comes to being relevant to our youth for Gods glory?
I find that a lot of people think there is a formula for every worship service. Sometimes it’s hype, sometimes it’s wrong thinking , as that we have to appease only the young or only the old. I for one would love an acoustic set , like unplugged once in awhile. Some people don’t feel like they’ve been to church unless they sing a quotient of fast songs, or a quotient of quiet songs, a quotient of black gospel songs, etc. Learn to Lead in worship. It seems like sometimes it’s a concert not a worship experience. The one thing that distracts ME personally as an “older person” or just because it’s my nature probably more likely , is when people use weird timing and phrasings , like trying to jazz it up and it becomes hard to sing. The less I have to think about timing and phrasing the more I can actually get into the worship. Saying words in trendy ways is a pet peeve of mine but that’s a whole other topic. So distracting. So to wrap up my little sermonette, I don’t want to be distracted when I worship .. whatever that entails.
Model multi-generational worship by having a multi-generational team. It’s not about just having the young, hip, best-dressed. If I want to communicate a multi-generational vision then it starts with me and the team.
Encourage the old to be part of the team and arrange songs in such a way that they can lead from time to time. This will further strengthen the worship leadership and beautify the worship setting.
A phenom guitarist is always a great addition. An award winning pedal board takes this to the next level.