I’m going to go out on a limb and say that everyone wants to make a difference with their life.
You want to matter. You want to use the breathe you’ve been given to speak encouragement. You want to use the time you have to make a dent in the universe. No one wakes up and says, “What’s the fastest way to waste my life? I think I’ll do that today.”
Of course not. But the truth is, many of us are wasting our lives. We might not be intentional about it, but that’s the point. Without a life of intention, you have a life at random. Without specific direction, you have no direction.
It’s as if we’re letting life happen to us rather than making life happen.
The Fastest Way to Waste Your Life
I wasted my life yesterday. I didn’t want to, but I just did. I showed up and did the bare minimum. I didn’t contribute anything beyond what was expected. I didn’t light up anyone else’s life except my own. It wasn’t a terrible day, but it was mostly a selfish day. Actually, many of my days look like this – they have no intention.
I’m writing this to help myself get out of this funk. I hope it helps you as well. Because I’m learning that the fastest way to make a difference with your life isn’t to read another book. It’s not to attend another conference. It’s not to figure out what other successful people do.
You actually can do it right now. You don’t need a Master’s degree, a permission slip, or be on the guest list. You don’t need a lot of money, resources, or detailed plans. You just need to say something.
I know, you’ve read this far and are regretting the minutes of life you’ve wasted, yet again. “That’s your big idea, David? Really?” Yes. The fastest way to make a difference with your life is to open your mouth.
Why? Because a self-centered life is a life lived for itself. It doesn’t encourage others. It doesn’t invest in others. It stays focused on its own accomplishment and ignores all else in its path.
This past weekend at church, someone came up to me and said, “David, I’ve been praying for you a lot over this last month. God is about to do something amazing in your life.” To be honest, I haven’t even thought of that person. And their humility and kindness also convicted me. It’s been a while since I’ve said that to someone.
Why? Because I’ve been wrapped up in myself. It’s time to do some unwrapping.
Everyone is Insecure
We’re all insecure. Everyone. Even those who appear confident, successful, and in need of nothing.
We’re all wondering if we’re doing what we should be doing. We all wish we were more successful, had more invitations, and were seen as important. And we’re all starving for someone to believe in us.
But if you want your life to make a difference today, encourage someone else. Speak words of encouragement and life. Look them in the eye and declare their God-given destiny.
I love how Ephesians 4:29 says it:
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such that is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
Give grace to those who hear. Your words have the power to give grace. Or to do a lot of harm. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather do the former.
You might wish someone would say something to you. You may feel burned out, beat down, without an ounce of strength left. But trust me. The best way to get out of a funk and get on the right path is to speak life into someone else.
The people who do this may not be known for their talent or their accolades. But they will be known for the hundreds of people they’ve influenced through their words.
There’s enough negativity, hate, and division going around. We need to turn the tables.
Will you be part of the solution?
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Try to daily. Good words! Spurring each other on! This is a very good reason to go to church – to see others and encourage each other. And also excellent reminders for anyone that we come into contact with daily. Really life happens to us all – and there is always room for change – and it brightens our hearts when we speak aloud words of love , patience, peace, and testify in it of long suffering, grace, and love. The greatest is love.l Sincerely, a good listening works. Most people will tell you whats on there mind- if we listen to the “head” or “heart” reason behind the first sentence or two in a conversation – community happens. Our pastor shared much on – Love your neighbor yesterday morning. Our Women Arise group last night had a message on Surrender and then part of a study on Franis Chan’s book Forgotten God – which if I mix my days teachings/learnings together – the message is that everyone is your neighbor and listen to the Holy Spirit on any prompting.
I always like reading your “spurrings” keep up the good Team God work! Thank you, Vicki
I’m so grateful to God that you wrote this. God bless you. We all need to be the light in the darkness of this world through our words.